Подводить итоги уходящего года всегда интересно и увлекательно. В конце концов, чем-то ты занимался, что-то делал, чему-то научился, кому-то помог, куда-то съездил... Ну вы поняли. Но когда этим всем занимаешься на протяжении года, нет надобности (или времени, или желания, или сил, или ещё чего-то) это все анализировать: ну сдал ты на права, ну прыгнул с парашютом, ну попробовал китовое мясо, ну переехал в другой город - жизнь продолжается и завтра надо снова быть занятым. Но вот под Новый год обстановка немного меняется - часы бьют 12, старое время уходит и хочется оглянуться, вспомнить, задуматься... А в моём конкретном случае даже всплакнуть. Так давайте же сегодня этим и займёмся - всем, кроме плача, по крайней мере ;)
With all this hustle and bustle around the Christmas season there's one thing we definitely should not forget - preparing gifts for our loved ones! So, if you have some time on your hands – crafty gifts are always appreciated for the time and effort that’s gone into them. Also, I prefer to buy local to support the small local shops, businesses and community in general. Nice idea would be to make the gift giving season last longer with a subscription to something your loved one will enjoy all year round - a monthly magazine, for example.
And here's what I know for sure: rather than buying physical items which end up cluttering up the house, choose an experience you can enjoy together later on in the year. For example, tickets to see a favorite band, gift vouchers for a spa treatment or a loved restaurant, membership to a charity or historical gardens – all make really thoughtful presents and memories that can be treasured forever.
This holiday season I too have decided to help making your loved ones happy, cherished and pampered a bit, so from now on I'm offering gift certificates that entitle their owners to a photo shoot, be it either a family or a couple, outdoors or studio, event or lifestyle - everything is possible, just ask! All certificates are customized, made with love and care, on request they may either contain a money value or a themed session option, a name of a giver or recipient (or both), and so much more... Available in 4 languages and what I find best is that they have no expiry date, meaning they can be used literally any time! I was asked on several occasions previously if a gift voucher was an option on my web site, and even before I had this offer available I sold 5 of them, so I think it's about time I make it official. After all, I am a small local business entrepreneur who offers an exciting experience resulting in memorable photos, and you might need to buy a descent present these days, so why not?
Christmas shopping can seem like an enormous task sometimes – with the minefield of who to buy for, how much to spend and what to buy. But it shouldn’t be stressful – gift buying, wrapping and giving should be a joy. Don't forget about that and happy shopping, everyone!
Yours, Anna
Christmas comes earlier this year! At least for me. Last year I only began my Christmas Photo Shoots on December 2nd, not knowing back then that everyone's been themed shooting and photographed for a month already. Still, I've managed to capture so many precious moments and smiles, to both meet many wonderful families and work with friends who I know for years now that I simply cannot resist but organize another big shooting this year, and it starts soon! Feel free to read my post about the previous shooting here and don't hesitate to contact me should you be interested.
You may well have visited lots of newborn websites and be left wondering why most newborn photographers want your baby to be aged 7-10 days old for their photography session? You might also be wondering what happens if your baby is already 10 days old. Is it too late?! Well the age of the baby can make a difference to the type of photographs and poses that you will get from your session. The reason for the 7 – 10 day window is because the baby is still very flexible, tiny and super sleepy. When the baby is still only a few days old, they are able to get into those curly, womb like positions which make for a gorgeous photo. That said, it really does depend on the baby, not all babies care to be posed in a womb like position, but as a rule of thumb, younger babies don’t mind so much. They will sleep a lot more and be less concerned about being naked - so long as they are kept cosy and warm.
Sunday, October 14th
10:00-11:30, ➡️11:30-13:00, ➡️13:00-14:30, ➡️14:30-16:00, ➡️16:00-17:30
Photographing autumn colors can be the most fun you have with your camera, especially if you’re into photography both as a photographer or as a model. Ask anyone who’s into it - you’ll hear that fall is a great time of year for photography. There’s an unlimited number of sights, sounds and smells to stimulate your senses. After all, it gets really easy to pick a great subject to display and dress it up with the fabulous colors of the fall season. This is a very emotional time of year. What you feel when the day is overcast will be different than when the day is bright and sunny, but photos you’ll take, either moody or filled with vibrant colors, will most definitely be awesome.
Fall is all about moods and emotions, so they make it the best time to produce some of the finest photographs a photographer can take in a first place. So I’ve decided to use it too, and here I am, offering you another mini photo shoot that will take place on October 14th in a most scenic location one can imagine when thinking about Swiss autumn. It’s reachable by car in 2h drive from Zurich (1h drive from Chur) and is completely free of charge. There’s no restaurants or playgrounds in the area, but there’s plenty of space for a family picnic around the lake and a nice and easy walk around it and to the nearest village as well.
This will be the fifth and final outdoor “photo day” I’m organizing this year (but again, there’s Christmas mini’s coming soon, so stay tuned), and I’m very much looking forward to it! As always, each client gets his 1,5 h photo session in one of the time slots mentioned above, and I make sure everyone gets all the nice photos we take and stays safe, happy and warm in the process ;) Feel free to scroll down this blog to find out more about the past photo shoots in the same format, the only difference is that those didn’t include gorgeous fall colors, mirror-like lake reflections and splendid Alps in a background!
Перед нами Маттерхорн - жемчужина швейцарских Альп, известнейшая гора в стране, и наверное самый любимый шоколадный символ в мире. Ввиду своего уникального расположения, швейцарцы и гости городка Цермат, что на юге страны, видят Маттерхорн в форме почти правильной пирамиды, а вот нашим южным соседям в Италии повезло меньше - на самом деле Маттерхорн всего лишь задняя часть горного хребта, и им он виден немного менее внушительным. Сегодня приглашаю вас вместе пройтись по одному из пожалуй самых красивых хайкинговых маршрутов региона, а может и страны, где красавец (или красавица?) Маттерхорн предстанет перед нами во всём своём величии не один раз, и далеко не на 10 минут. На протяжении маршрута мы увидим 5 альпийских озёр, в трёх из которых отражение Маттерхорна удивит своими формами и изысканностью, мы поиграем на детской площадке с эксклюзивным видом, которому позавидуют самые роскошные отели мира, а ещё впервые переправимся через озеро на ручном плоту - но обо всём по попорядку. Итак, мы у подножия Маттерхорна!
Why I love having vacations? Because every time I come back home I have so much energy and power, am so very inspired and creative, feel so much passion and love that I just cannot help but put it all into my photography. This time there was a special couple, a wonderful family that is going to get its +1 member in a few days from now, and I was so looking forward to meeting them and to get to work after a summer break! Even though I hadn't had a chance to explore our shooting location in advance (so I wasn't sure if it's gonna work in a first place), even though I had to get up early in the morning to get to it and plus, I've brought a few maternity outfits that were brand new and I didn't know whether they will fit or be liked by my clients - in the end of the day, everything went just right. So hear I am again, sharing my joy and passion through photography with you guys. And I was convinced once again that investing into your family photo shoot, especially if you're expecting a new baby, is literally the best thing one can do. Pregnancy is such an exciting time. Down the road, you might forget what it felt like to be expecting. Trust me, this is the perfect opportunity to get up-to-date images of your family before it is altered ('cause things will never be the same again :). Make sure you capture those emotions so you can look back on them with fondness.
В преддверии осени как раз время для свежих открытий этого лета. По крайней мере для нас. Дочке исполнилось 4 года (а впервые в горы мы отнесли её в 6-ти месячном возрасте), поэтому какой-никакой опыт имеется, и нам пора начинать ходить по горам как полагается, то есть пешком. То есть когда пешком идут все, а не только взрослые. Дочка и раньше ходила сама, но конечно же время от времени просилась на руки, а то и к папе в рюкзак - поспать после сытного обеда на свежем воздухе самое оно! И вот настал тот день, когда уже грубо говоря "пора", мы собрались, я выбрала наверное самый подходящий маршрут для 4-х годовалого ребенка, и мы отправились в путь. Дочку правда не предупредили о том, что её ждет, но это уже другая история. В общем, сегодня мы в Brunni!
Dragons, knights, witches, vagrants and troubadours invade a small village of Ribeauvillé, lost somewhere in the Alsatian vineyard, during the feast of the Ménétriers: it is the Pfifferdaj, the oldest festival of Alsace. We discovered it last year absolutely accidentally, and I've been dreaming to see it once again ever since. Born of a legend, this popular festival perpetuates the links between the lords of Ribeaupierre and the minstrels they protected. It is by far the most colorful and fairy-tale like festival one can witness these days, and it's less than 2h drive from Zurich! Here I want to give you a glimpse of how it looks like, and hope you'll get a hint of how it feels too! Ready to dive into Middle Ages?
Sunday, September 16th
Dear all, as I've been receiving some requests regarding the next flower photo shoot for months now, I've decided to organize another photo marathon after all. Yes, summer is almost gone, and we all know what's coming next, so maybe capturing your family somewhere warm and blossoming for the final time this season is not a bad idea! Plus, I've met this wonderful lady from Konstanz, who told me that Mainau island is undoubtedly great, especially in September, when its dahlias are blooming. Of course I answered that it in no way can be better than during tulip or rose season, but after seeing her permissive smile I might as well have some doubts. So what do you say? Ready to spend another fun day at a family park, wandering, playing and posing for pictures, and obviously proving who's right and who's wrong? Well, then I'm here for you.
I'll talk about reportage photography today, or what’s also known as documentary photography - a photographic style that captures a moment or event in a narrative fashion, i.e., images that tell a story. Reportage, for example, depicts a story or event in a report-like fashion. Unlike traditional styles of photography, reportage photographs are often less formal and portray their characters in a pose-free way that occurs naturally, not staged. This style can be used for any event or occasion; parties and celebrations, fundraisers or galas, the most famous example are weddings of course. Today I want to share some memorable photos of one's truest milestone - a baptism ceremony, which was captured using documentary techniques.
Baptism is a Christian sacrament of admission and adoption, almost invariably with the use of water, into Christianity. Baptism has been called a holy sacrament and an ordinance of Jesus Christ. In some denominations, baptism is also called christening, but for others the word "christening" is reserved for the baptism of infants. The word "baptism" in Greek means dip or immerse, so baptism photography is a bit difficult due to the movement and water involved, not to mention that it is in no way a staged photo shoot, but documentary photography at its finest.
I've been lucky enough to capture three christening ceremonies so far, all different among each other due to the churches where they were held, but every one unique and undoubtedly beautiful. Funny thing is that the church where my family belongs to doesn't allow mother's presence during her child's christening ceremony, so I actually haven't seen my own daughter's christening! So, eventually I came to conclusion that baptism, as an important milestone in a person’s life, better to be let photographed by a professional - this way you're gonna get some quality photos to commemorate the important and memorable event and definitely won't miss it, like I did :)
As you know, I've organized a couple of outdoor photo shoots last spring. You most probably read about one of them here (and I promise to write about the second one a bit later). As for now I want to show you some photos from another session, that was organized in Zurich itself. When it comes to outdoor photo shoot most people tend to think it takes place somewhere around fields, forests, lakes, flowers, often even mountains (for we live in Switzerland after all). Here's the proof that it can actually be held in the biggest Swiss town, without a need to go anywhere far or high. So, meet another adorable family, originally from Turkey, and I totally know why I've decided to share this today - because in a few days my family itself is going to Turkey! In a meantime, enjoy your summer, guys!
She was the first person to contact me through my Facebook page for a maternity photo shoot - as simple as that. „I love your photos, - she wrote - I’m pregnant and I’d like you to capture it.“ I neither knew nor met her before, although as it turned out we do have a couple of mutual friends. That was the moment when I thought „Wow, this is really working and might actually become the thing I dream it to become one day!“. So we met, and had the most productive photo shoot ever. All of it in a presence of Alina‘s two-year-old daughter, who had enough time to play, draw, have a lunch, run around and even try on all of my daughter‘s hair accessories - most importantly, I hope she had fun. I thank Alina for her good will and great spirit, and wish her and her family all the best, especially in coming months!
P.S. We actually did meet once again, for another photo shoot, but that’s another story...
This was my very first newborn lifestyle session, and just as I expected (or hoped, to be honest), it turned out great. Baby Katerina was born in the middle of spring, just a few weeks after I shoot her parents in a wonderful location among colorful flowers and beautiful nature (read more on that day here). Initially this session was supposed to be a 100% newborn fashion shoot, with all those cute outfits and props, all mint and pink, and I was very much looking forward to it since I only shoot newborn boys before (funny fact, I know). And so, on a big day, baby Katerina decided she's not very keen on what we've planned for her, and I'm pretty sure this is exactly what she wanted - all the photos I made on that afternoon look so natural, so simple and beautiful at the same time, featuring young, wonderful family at its finest. In the end of the day both parents and I agreed that it was a great afternoon, cosy and comfortable for all, and the memories we've managed to capture are simply priceless. So happy for them! As always, wishing new parents and their adorable baby all the best, today and always! And here's some sneak pics for you, guys!
У Таиланда, как у обьекта пляжного отдыха, огромное количество плюсов: экзотика, красота, еда, инфрастуктура, даже цены - привлекательно здесь всё. Но есть один большой недостаток - там слишком много моря, всяких островов, туров, пляжей и отелей. Да, бывает и такое. Бывает, что некуда деться, а в Таиланде скорее слишком много куда можно поехать. И конечно же каждый, кто там побывал, будет советовать именно то место, которое посетил сам, ведь оно наверняка было классное, и ему очевидно пришлось по душе. Потому что это Таиланд, по другому быть не могло. И вот по причине бешеной популярности среди русскоязычного населения определенных курортных регионов страны (имею ввиду Паттайю и Пхукет), мы получаем много отличных отзывов именно о них, и туда едем и сами, а потом их же и советуем знакомым. Получается такой замкнутый круг, в который мне лично попасть совсем не хотелось - первый пляжный отдых в Таиланде должен стать таким, чтобы во-первых, запомнился на всю жизнь, а во-вторых, чтобы хотелось вернуться снова. В общем, думаю я справилась с выбором места на "отлично". Читайте дальше и узнаете, почему именно.
Friday, June 22nd
10:30-12:00, 12:00-13:30, 13:30-15:00, 15:00-16:30
Dear all, it seems like I cannot get enough of all these beautiful flowers around, but I just cannot help it - I adore nature in all its manifestations, especially all sorts of colorful, scented and blossoming flowers, I love photography, enjoy working with people, and I'm an expert on how to find myself in a right place in a right time, and yes, I even have some free time! So here I am again, offering my third flower photo shoot this year.
Scenario is the same as before - you may read about the previous shoots here and here - I proved its efficiency twice, so trust me, it works (my latest post tells you more about it as well). The location is gorgeous, I keep telling this everyone who's looking for a nice family getaway not far from Zurich. The timing is just right - rose garden will be in full bloom (as well as other seasonal flowers) and there's not as many people in the park on Friday as there's on weekend, so yeah, I think it's an awesome opportunity to spend a wonderful day somewhere warm and interesting, and make a few memorable photos in between. This may be a couples shoot, a maternity session or a family day-off - everything will look just right among those wonderful colors and shapes, so please, feel free to come here even without a planned photo shoot - you and your loved ones will enjoy the place regardless.
Please contact me for booking or for more details - I'll be happy to either meet or help you in any case. That's it for now. Have a great summer ahead!
This spring I finally did what I wanted and planned to do for couple of years now. I organized and held a professional photo shoot at one of the best locations possible - Mainau flower park on Lake Constance in Germany. And there was not one photo shoot, but 10 to be precise! Two days, 10 families, 33 people (and even one dog) and billions of tulips and narcissuses... In total I’ve made 30‘000 steps and 3‘000 photos, but the amount of happy smiles, colorful flowers and warm memories captured turned out to be thousand times greater!
The idea of this photo shoot didn’t come from nowhere. First, I’ve been visiting Mainau in spring from the very beginning of my life here in Switzerland. I know how beautiful and wonderful those tulips are, and I always wanted to capture them in a proper way, meaning with some people in a background
Nadja wasn’t sure if she wants to be photographed as a future mom in a first place. And I totally get it. Being pregnant is tough by the very definition of it, especially if you already have a kid on your hands and a small family to support in an everyday life. However, it is at the same time one of the biggest (if not THE biggest) miracles of life itself (well, at least of ones lifetime for sure), and not to capture it at its finest might become one of the biggest regrets one will have for a long, long time. So we met, and here’s the result. By the way, not only have I discovered that Nadja grew up in my native Ukraine and speaks the language quite well, but she also has an aunt who happens to be one of my favorite Ukrainian singers from the students times. Now, how cool is that?! I wish all the best to Nadja and her family, and am very much looking forward to meet her baby this summer! (and maybe even her aunt some day 😊)
During the weekend of 21st-22nd April I've organized this awesome flower photo shoot at Mainau park in Germany (more on the topic here). One of the families that I've got lucky to capture was the most adorable couple from Greece, and moreover, as expectant parents they couldn't have had found a better place (and time actually) to have a maternity/couple photo shoot. Everything was perfect on that day, and in a first place so was the charming mother-to-be. I enjoyed the time that we've spent together wandering through the flourishing park so much, and even more afterwards, while editing their photos. Once again, I've came to conclusion that there's no better time to be pregnant and give birth than in spring, because you do it alongside with mother nature herself and bringing new life to the world cannot be more poetic symbolic than right now! Wishing all the best to the future parents!
Межсезонье в швейцарских горах лично для меня событие печальное. Это значит, что снега для санок уже недостаточно, но он всё ещё есть, очевидно для того, чтобы нам мешать. Большинство курортов обьявляют каникулы, и все подъёмники проходят плановую ревизию - готовятся к лету, которое в горах начинается немного позже, чем в долинах. Конечно есть вершины, которые открыты круглый год - это исключительно туристические точки, в которых ты скорее всего уже бывал не раз, и план таких вылазок простой и не требующий больших физических напрягов (зато финансовых затрат не избежать) - подняться на гондоле, сфотографироваться, пообедать в ресторане, спуститься назад. А вот если только что вышедшая из зимней спячки душа хочет приключений и красивых видов, то далеко не разгонишься - межсезонье оно такое.
Есть у меня две подруги. Первая говорит, если бы ей пришлось совершить всего одно путешествие в жизни, она выбрала бы озеро Комо. Вторая спрашивает, когда я уже об озере Комо напишу, а то скоро майские праздники, а куда ехать - непонятно. И хотя я планировала посвятить поездке в этот регион как минимум два поста, видимо придётся как-то всё поместить в одном. Я сама о Комо узнала относительно недавно, что нахожу весьма странным, ведь оно фактически "под боком", и по своей привлекательности, красоте и даже изысканности в принципе ничем не уступает остальным итальянским регионам. В общем, буду очень рада, если кто-нибудь из вас сегодня также впервые откроет для себя озеро Комо вместе со мной. Поехали!
More than 3,000 children from Zurich and the region took part in the children's parade of the Sechseläuten on Sunday, April 15th, wearing traditional costumes and historical outfits, accompanied by marching music. This year I was invited to photograph the event, and truth to be told, it couldn't have been better. The weather was great, kids were all so excited and happy, and I'm pretty sure everyone who went to see kids' parade felt powerful spring vibes at their finest. Here are some pics I made, Ukrainian children mostly, since we've been lucky to have our very own organized group participating at the event. Find more infos on the parade itself below.
This little young man was brought to my home studio by his parents on a sunny Saturday, exactly 13 days after his birth. He was sleeping safe and sound and looking gorgeous, obviously. Technically it's the smallest baby that has ever came to my place - you see, we moved here when my daughter was 2 years old. So it was a huge deal. He behaved so very well during the shoot, and even managed to lift his head up for the very first time - and I was there to capture it, along with tears of joy in his grandmother's eyes, happy smile on his mother's face and his father's proud look. It was pure magic.
Now I'm eager to witness this little miracle growing up and achieving big things. Wishing all the best to baby James and his lovely family!
Now I'm eager to witness this little miracle growing up and achieving big things. Wishing all the best to baby James and his lovely family!
Sunday, May 20th 10:00-11:30, 11:30-13:00, 13:00-14:30, 14:30-16:00, 16:00-17:30
Sunday, May 27th 10:00-11:30, 11:30-13:00, 13:00-14:30, 14:30-16:00, 16:00-17:30
As spring is finally here we cannot help but go outside to enjoy all the warmth and sunshine we've desperately missed this long winter. Be it a leisure stroll along a lakeside, a nice picnic in a park, a relaxing time at the playground or even a short walk to the supermarket - spring is here, and we enjoy it as much as we can. I've gone even further: last week I organized my very first spring photo shoot at Mainau park on the lake Constance (you may read about it here). Only because it's my favorite spring park in Europe, it was covered with tulips and I was going to go there with my camera anyway :) So, people kept reaching to me saying how eager they were to go there, to have a few memorable photos made (by me), to enjoy a great day out in the outdoors. So the Mainau shoot did happened, and it was awesome. I've made almost 3000 pics, captured hundreds of happy smiles, and now people keep saying how happy and grateful they are for the opportunity they didn't even know was possible! This is why I've decided to organize another photo shoot, also filled with flowers and flavors, but this time here in Switzerland. So, here it goes!
Recently I got lucky enough to work at the coolest occasion ever - first of all, because it was very traditional, very colorful and flavored, but most importantly it was my friends who had it held at their fresh new home, and it was a huge event for their family, great celebration for their guests and a big deal for me. I've never been to India before, so during those hours at their place I felt so much cultural vibes like never before! Dear all, here goes my picture story about that day.
Griha Pravesh is a traditional Vedic ritual which is performed when owners enter a newly built or newly purchased property for the first time. Since the property or the place might have many impurities, all of them must be warded off in prior time before entering or residing in that place in order to stay away from inauspiciousness. So, generally speaking, Griha Pravesh is the Hindu housewarming ceremony. The day when the ceremony is performed must be determined according to traditional astrological charts found in the Hindu astrological almanac or Panchangam.
Griha Pravesh includes two Hindu religious ceremonies performed by the priest – Vastu Pooja and Vastu Shanti. Vastu Pooja is not performed inside the house. Objects used in this ceremony are a copper pot full of water, navadhanya (9 grains – black sesame, horse gram, bengal gram, green gram, black gram, rice, chickpeas, white beans and wheat), coin, red cloth, red thread and a coconut. After the ceremony copper pot is put next to the family havan (ceremonial fire).
The havan is the essential element of the Vastu Shanti ceremony. The purpose of this ceremony is remove the negative influence of planets and create the positive atmosphere inside the house. If the priest believes that it is needed he also performs more poojas like Ganphathi, Lakshmi or Satyranarayan pooja.
And here go some of my favorite photos of my favorite couple! Congrats again, Swati and Nirav, on your new home. Let it be prosperous, full of happiness, joy and smiles!